
TheerrorCannotfindC:-sources-install.wimmeansWindowsImagingFormat(WIM)isafile-baseddiskimageismissing.,Iusedunetbootin-mac-661onamacOSMojave10.14.4systemtotrytocreateabootableUSBstickfromtheWindows10installationISO ...,擷取Windows映像(。WIM)檔案,並用它來將Windows部署到新的裝置。您可以從Windows散發ISO的install.wim檔案開始,也可以將執行中的Windows映像 ...,YoucangettheWIMfilefromanymediaothertha...

Windows 10 Clean Install, sourceinstall.wim error

The error Cannot find C:-sources-install.wim means Windows Imaging Format (WIM) is a file-based disk image is missing.

install.wim from Win10_1903_V1_German_x64.iso not copied ...

I used unetbootin-mac-661 on a macOS Mojave 10.14.4 system to try to create a bootable USB stick from the Windows 10 installation ISO ...

使用單一擷取並套用Windows 映像。WIM 檔案

擷取Windows 映像(。WIM) 檔案,並用它來將Windows 部署到新的裝置。 您可以從Windows 散發ISO 的install.wim 檔案開始,也可以將執行中的Windows 映像 ...

How to get install.wim from windows 10 pro installation file

You can get the WIM file from any media other than the Media Creation Tool download (or Windows Update).

How to avoid Windows cannot open the required file D

The solution is to create two partitions. The first is a FAT32 partition containing an NTFS driver. This is used to access the big files on a second NTFS ...

Doing a clean install of Win10 21H2. How to generate a install.wim ...

Insert your Windows 10 installation USB into a USB slot, and open it in File Explorer. Go to -sources and look for install.esd. Copy install.esd ...

The source directory specified does not contain an install.wim file

It looks like Windows ISOs are packaged with an install.esd file rather than an install.wim file nowadays. The .esd file can be converted to .wim using the ...

Where is the WIM file?!?!?!?!?

The file you need is its install.wim found in the sources folder. If you have an ISO/USB made by the Media Creation Tool it will have an install ...

Win10XPE can't find install.wim

On Win 10, right click on the Win10 installation iso and choose Mount. a virtual DVD will be created with all files and folders on the iso.

Fix Can't Find install.wim on Windows 11 10 ISO File

In This Video You Will Find How To Fix cannot find install.wim in Windows 10 and 11 ISO File Or in CD DVD Bootable ✔️.